Prayer, His Presence & Intimacy with God
Paperback – DECEMBER 2023
Prayer, His Presence, and Intimacy with God is my God inspired journey of spiritual truths that occurred in forty years of learning to fellowship and pray. This book talks about how prayer can be the most enjoyable thing in our life. It brings powerful and simple revelations on how human passion and desire for God can act as a divine accelerant that attracts God’s presence. It brings out keys and spiritual truths about prayer. It is not a book on how to get your prayers answered, but how to enjoy God’s presence and relationship in prayer.
It is a book for all levels of spiritual maturity and growth; it teaches principles that lead us into intimate fellowship with God and an abundantly enjoyable prayer life. It provides practical application for those who struggle with prayer, and leads us into God’s presence to enjoy an intimate and fulfilling relationship with Him.
As I wrote this manuscript, I passed it on to a few friends for early reading. One of my spiritual mentors, bible teacher, author, Christian counselor, and a mother in the body of Christ, who has served the Lord for sixty years, Shelvy Wyatt, wrote the following to me:
I would suggest that to get the most from this book, you experience it, not just gain knowledge. Take the six keys and commit to six weeks to savor the richness. Divide the pages of each key into seven sections, and read only one section per day. Take a journal and note what spoke to you and one scripture you want to commit to memory. Make it personal as you enter into His holy presence in prayer. It will change your day and your life.
I could not say it any better. Use the pages and chapters as a study guide, and take your time as you go through the book. Meditate on what is being said, and then put it into practice. If you do this, you are well on your way to understanding why prayer can be the most enjoyable part of your life.
Pastor Scott
Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer because nothing lies beyond the reach of God. In his new book, Prayer, His Presence, and Intimacy With God, my friend Scott gives us a cure for a limited spiritual life. Most believers live from measure instead of fullness. This is truly Scott’s life message. With so many voices talking about secondary issues, Scott brings us back to ensure the main thing is the main thing.
After the disciples saw the supernatural work of Jesus, they made an important request, “Teach us to pray.” They realized that Jesus’s intimacy with God was everything. I highly recommend Scott’s book to those who desire a deeper walk with God. You will be entrusted with the secrets from the secret place.
Dr. Leif Hetland
President of Global Mission Awareness
Author of Called to Reign and The Love Awakening
I remember as a young believer in Christ, writing Leviticus 6:9, “The fire must be kept burning on the altar,” on the front page of my first Bible. As I embarked on this new journey of faith to rediscover this Jesus of my childhood, the idea of my heart being an altar His presence would enflame, satisfied my seeking heart and guided my pathway forward. In Prayer, His Presence, and Intimacy With God, my friend Scott does a masterful job of leading us back to our sacred space of prayer. He not only ignites our passion and purpose for prayer but also trains us in the actual, all-important practice of prayer. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or a brand-new Jesus follower, this book will meet you right where you are on your journey of discovery. It will help you build a personal altar of prayer where you will experience God’s faithfulness and friendship. Scott has given us a gift, wrapping so many aspects of prayer into one solid presentation of biblical truth. I highly recommend it as the perfect textbook for any school of ministry or home group, as it will truly lay a strong foundation for your individual or corporate house of prayer.
Apostle Kathy Bichsel
Author of Radical Rising Remnant
I love this book! It is full of the heart of God and His gracious keys for going deeper in prayer. The greatest thing you can ever do in this life is move the heart of God through prayer! Scott Tavolacci has given us a delightful handbook on the beautiful realm of prayer. God inspired this book, and you will feel it as you read it. It will move you to long for more of the Living Water that we drink in as we open our heart and pray. The title says it all—this is what you have been longing for: Prayer, His Presence, and Intimacy With God. You will find this and more in the pages of this book!
Brian Simmons
Passion & Fire Ministries
Author of The Passion Translation
Author Scott Tavolacci offers yet another masterpiece of solid Bible-based content that is sure to propel the reader ahead in his or her desire to truly know God. I urge the reader to especially focus on the vital role speaking in tongues plays in a believer’s spiritual life. A second “Pentecost” could be upon us!
Dennis Cramer
A book's stimulation of the heart, soul, and spirit is how we can measure the quality of a person's writing. What I love about Scott is that he embodies what he writes. This book expresses his life's journey, passion, commitment, and love for King Jesus. This book will influence and uplift others.
Pastor Lance Bane
Senior Pastor
Gateway Christian Fellowship